
Portrait of Coco Crisp

Coco Crisp CFAthletics

Athletics Player Cards | Athletics Team Audit | Athletics Depth Chart

Career Summary
18 6627 .265 .327 .402 97 22.6
Birth Date11-1-1979
Height5' 10"
Weight185 lbs
Age44 years, 5 months, 23 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2002 CLE 22 32 143 33 9 2 1 11 19 0 4 1 .260 .314 .386 69 -4.9 -1.5 0.1 -0.2
2003 CLE 23 99 447 110 15 6 3 23 51 0 15 9 .266 .302 .353 72 -14.1 2.1 6.3 0.5
2004 CLE 24 139 538 146 24 2 15 36 69 0 20 13 .297 .344 .446 99 0.0 1.2 2.0 1.9
2005 CLE 25 145 656 178 42 4 16 44 81 0 15 6 .300 .345 .465 104 3.6 2.0 11.9 3.3
2006 BOS 26 105 452 109 22 2 8 31 67 1 22 4 .264 .317 .385 83 -8.1 2.6 -1.4 0.8
2007 BOS 27 145 591 141 28 7 6 50 84 1 28 6 .268 .330 .382 84 -9.6 6.3 27.8 4.3
2008 BOS 28 118 409 102 18 3 7 35 59 1 20 7 .283 .344 .407 93 -2.7 1.5 -4.3 0.7
2009 KCA 29 49 215 41 8 5 3 29 23 1 13 2 .228 .336 .378 89 -2.3 4.0 -1.9 0.7
2010 OAK 30 75 328 81 14 4 8 30 49 0 32 3 .279 .342 .438 104 1.9 5.7 1.5 2.0
2011 OAK 31 136 583 140 27 5 8 41 65 1 49 9 .264 .314 .379 96 -1.7 4.3 2.5 2.4
2012 OAK 32 120 508 118 25 7 11 45 64 0 39 4 .259 .325 .418 105 3.2 3.1 -1.5 2.0
2013 OAK 33 131 584 134 22 3 22 61 65 0 21 5 .261 .335 .444 122 15.4 4.1 -0.9 3.7
2014 OAK 34 126 536 114 21 3 9 66 66 0 19 5 .246 .336 .363 109 5.1 0.4 -19.3 0.0
2015 OAK 35 44 139 22 6 0 0 13 25 0 2 0 .175 .252 .222 74 -3.7 1.5 -2.8 -0.2
2016 CLE 36 20 64 11 3 0 2 9 13 0 3 0 .208 .323 .377 99 0.1 0.7 -0.6 0.2
2016 OAK 36 102 434 92 24 4 11 37 65 0 7 5 .234 .299 .399 100 0.7 0.0 -4.7 0.7

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1999 JCY Rk APL 0 275 .000 .000 .000 .303 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 PEO A MDW 0 114 .000 .000 .000 .325 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 NWJ A- NYP 0 146 .000 .000 .000 .286 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 POT A+ CRL 139 591 .000 .000 .000 .327 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 CLE MLB AL 32 143 .262 .323 .422 .294 98 -1.3 4.1 0.3 69 13 0.1 -1.5 -4.9 -0.2
2002 AKR AA EAS 7 36 .000 .000 .000 .414 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 NHV AA EAS 89 397 .000 .000 .000 .332 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 BUF AAA INT 4 21 .000 .000 .000 .263 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2003 CLE MLB AL 99 447 .267 .326 .427 .295 94 -10.1 12.2 -1.2 72 8 6.3 2.1 -14.1 0.5
2003 BUF AAA INT 56 267 .000 .000 .000 .383 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2004 CLE MLB AL 139 538 .272 .337 .434 .320 103 2.5 16.0 -0.2 99 12 2.0 1.2 0.0 1.9
2005 CLE MLB AL 145 656 .268 .329 .428 .323 100 14.6 18.9 -4.1 104 9 11.9 2.0 3.6 3.3
2006 BOS MLB AL 105 452 .269 .333 .423 .299 105 -11 13.6 1.2 83 7 -1.4 2.6 -8.1 0.8
2006 PAW AAA INT 1 4 .319 .376 .514 .333 98 0.2 0.1 0 108 0 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.0
2007 BOS MLB AL 145 591 .270 .336 .418 .306 102 -8.1 17.5 1.6 84 7 27.8 6.3 -9.6 4.3
2008 BOS MLB AL 118 409 .262 .333 .410 .318 107 0.7 11.8 1.1 93 13 -4.3 1.5 -2.7 0.7
2009 KCA MLB AL 49 215 .270 .336 .431 .245 104 -4.4 6.2 0.6 89 10 -1.9 4.0 -2.3 0.7
2010 OAK MLB AL 75 328 .257 .320 .405 .307 102 7 9.0 0.7 104 11 1.5 5.7 1.9 2.0
2010 STO A+ CLF 2 7 .282 .342 .421 .800 87 4.8 0.2 0 248 0 -0.2 -0.4 1.2 0.1
2010 SAC AAA PCL 6 24 .313 .376 .488 .684 81 7.7 0.7 0.1 191 0 -0.7 0.5 2.8 0.3
2011 OAK MLB AL 136 583 .255 .316 .397 .284 96 0.3 15.7 1.4 96 8 2.5 4.3 -1.7 2.4
2012 OAK MLB AL 120 508 .253 .315 .409 .280 94 6.2 13.9 0.4 105 5 -1.5 3.1 3.2 2.0
2013 OAK MLB AL 131 584 .256 .319 .405 .258 94 19.1 15.4 -0.3 122 5 -0.9 4.1 15.4 3.7
2014 OAK MLB AL 126 536 .252 .313 .387 .266 93 13 13.8 0.1 109 6 -19.3 0.4 5.1 0.0
2015 OAK MLB AL 44 139 .247 .308 .392 .218 100 -11.7 3.8 -0.8 74 9 -2.8 1.5 -3.7 -0.2
2015 STO A+ CAL 7 31 .243 .293 .369 .182 94 0.4 0.8 -0.3 121 0 0.1 0.6 -0.2 0.1
2016 CLE MLB AL 20 64 .239 .311 .384 .237 114 -0.2 1.8 -0.5 99 12 -0.6 0.7 0.1 0.2
2016 OAK MLB AL 102 434 .259 .321 .422 .254 99 -4 12.3 -1.9 100 12 -4.7 0.0 0.7 0.7

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1999 JCY Rk APL 275 229 55 59 5 4 3 81 22 44 41 27 6 .258 .382 .354 .096 0 0
2000 NWJ A- NYP 146 134 18 32 5 0 0 37 14 11 22 25 3 .239 .301 .276 .037 0 0
2000 PEO A MDW 114 98 14 27 9 0 0 36 7 16 15 7 3 .276 .377 .367 .092 0 0
2001 POT A+ CRL 591 530 80 162 23 3 11 224 47 52 64 39 21 .306 .364 .423 .117 7 7
2002 AKR AA EAS 36 32 9 13 1 0 1 17 4 3 3 4 0 .406 .444 .531 .125 1 1
2002 NHV AA EAS 397 355 61 107 16 1 9 152 47 36 56 26 10 .301 .361 .428 .127 5 5
2002 BUF AAA INT 21 21 3 5 1 0 0 6 2 0 2 1 0 .238 .238 .286 .048 0 0
2002 CLE MLB AL 143 127 16 33 9 2 1 49 9 11 19 4 1 .260 .314 .386 .126 2 3
2003 BUF AAA INT 267 225 42 81 19 6 1 115 24 26 24 20 8 .360 .423 .511 .151 9 9
2003 CLE MLB AL 447 414 55 110 15 6 3 146 27 23 51 15 9 .266 .302 .353 .087 3 7
2004 CLE MLB AL 538 491 78 146 24 2 15 219 71 36 69 20 13 .297 .344 .446 .149 2 9
2005 CLE MLB AL 656 594 86 178 42 4 16 276 69 44 81 15 6 .300 .345 .465 .165 5 13
2006 BOS MLB AL 452 413 58 109 22 2 8 159 36 31 67 22 4 .264 .317 .385 .121 0 7
2006 PAW AAA INT 4 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 .333 .500 .333 .000 0 0
2007 BOS MLB AL 591 526 85 141 28 7 6 201 60 50 84 28 6 .268 .330 .382 .114 5 9
2008 BOS MLB AL 409 361 55 102 18 3 7 147 41 35 59 20 7 .283 .344 .407 .125 4 8
2009 KCA MLB AL 215 180 30 41 8 5 3 68 14 29 23 13 2 .228 .336 .378 .150 1 4
2010 STO A+ CLF 7 6 2 5 0 1 1 10 3 1 0 0 0 .833 .857 1.667 .833 0 0
2010 SAC AAA PCL 24 22 7 13 2 1 0 17 5 2 3 2 1 .591 .625 .773 .182 0 0
2010 OAK MLB AL 328 290 51 81 14 4 8 127 38 30 49 32 3 .279 .342 .438 .159 5 3
2011 OAK MLB AL 583 531 69 140 27 5 8 201 54 41 65 49 9 .264 .314 .379 .115 6 4
2012 OAK MLB AL 508 455 68 118 25 7 11 190 46 45 64 39 4 .259 .325 .418 .158 2 6
2013 OAK MLB AL 584 513 93 134 22 3 22 228 66 61 65 21 5 .261 .335 .444 .183 8 2
2014 OAK MLB AL 536 463 68 114 21 3 9 168 47 66 66 19 5 .246 .336 .363 .117 6
2015 STO A+ CAL 31 27 6 6 1 0 2 13 4 4 3 0 0 .222 .323 .481 .259 0 0
2015 OAK MLB AL 139 126 11 22 6 0 0 28 6 13 25 2 0 .175 .252 .222 .048 0 0
2016 CLE MLB AL 64 53 9 11 3 0 2 20 8 9 13 3 0 .208 .323 .377 .170 0 2
2016 OAK MLB AL 434 393 45 92 24 4 11 157 47 37 65 7 5 .234 .299 .399 .165 2 2

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1430 0.5021 0.4441 0.8362 0.6226 0.2640 0.9060 0.6702 0.1638 0.0007
2009 828 0.5145 0.3973 0.8693 0.5282 0.2587 0.9111 0.7788 0.1307 -0.0018
2010 1199 0.5271 0.3953 0.8460 0.5601 0.2116 0.9040 0.6750 0.1540 0.0034
2011 2004 0.5075 0.4441 0.8618 0.6136 0.2695 0.9215 0.7218 0.1382 -0.0030
2012 1823 0.5167 0.4174 0.8436 0.5913 0.2316 0.8995 0.6912 0.1564 0.0062
2013 2342 0.5145 0.4048 0.8671 0.5925 0.2058 0.9328 0.6667 0.1329 -0.0007
2014 2139 0.5035 0.3871 0.8575 0.5571 0.2147 0.9250 0.6798 0.1425 -0.0090
2015 531 0.4878 0.4124 0.7808 0.5830 0.2500 0.8477 0.6324 0.2192 0.0049
2016 1891 0.4828 0.4199 0.8136 0.5947 0.2566 0.9061 0.6135 0.1864 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-08-30 2014-09-05 DTD 6 5 - Neck Strain Running Into Wall -
2014-07-27 2014-08-04 DTD 8 7 - Neck Inflammation Degenerative Changes -
2014-07-25 2014-07-26 DTD 1 1 - Neck Soreness -
2014-07-10 2014-07-18 DTD 8 4 - Neck Stiffness -
2014-06-12 2014-06-13 DTD 1 0 - Neck Stiffness -
2014-06-08 2014-06-09 DTD 1 1 - Neck Stiffness -
2014-06-04 2014-06-05 DTD 1 1 - Neck Stiffness -
2014-05-21 2014-05-21 DTD 0 0 - Neck Soreness - -
2014-05-08 2014-05-16 DTD 8 6 - Neck Strain - -
2014-04-14 2014-04-15 DTD 1 1 - Thigh Soreness Hamstring - -
2014-04-07 2014-04-11 DTD 4 3 Left Wrist Inflammation - -
2013-09-03 2013-09-03 DTD 0 0 Right Lower Leg Contusion Shin - -
2013-08-13 2013-08-17 DTD 4 4 - Wrist Soreness - -
2013-08-12 2013-08-13 DTD 1 1 - Wrist Soreness - -
2013-07-01 2013-07-02 DTD 1 0 - Low Back Spasms - -
2013-06-12 2013-06-15 DTD 3 3 - Foot Soreness Heel - -
2013-04-30 2013-05-15 15-DL 15 14 - Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
2013-04-13 2013-04-15 DTD 2 2 - Groin Strain - -
2013-04-06 2013-04-06 DTD 0 0 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2013-03-01 2013-03-02 Camp 1 0 - Neck Soreness - -
2012-09-26 2012-09-28 DTD 2 2 - Infection - -
2012-09-22 2012-09-25 DTD 3 3 - Infection Conjunctivitis - -
2012-09-19 2012-09-21 DTD 2 2 - General Medical Illness Conjunctivitis - -
2012-08-28 2012-08-29 DTD 1 1 Right Foot Contusion Foul Ball - -
2012-07-29 2012-08-02 DTD 4 4 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
2012-07-14 2012-07-18 DTD 4 3 Left Shoulder Strain Swinging - -
2012-05-03 2012-05-21 15-DL 18 16 - General Medical Illness Inner Ear Infection - -
2012-05-01 2012-05-02 DTD 1 1 - General Medical Illness Sinus Infection - -
2012-04-24 2012-04-27 DTD 3 2 - General Medical Illness Inner Ear Infection - -
2012-04-18 2012-04-23 DTD 5 5 - General Medical Illness Inner Ear Infection - -
2011-09-10 2011-09-15 DTD 5 5 Right Foot Contusion - -
2011-09-04 2011-09-07 DTD 3 3 Right Foot Contusion - -
2011-08-07 2011-08-14 DTD 7 6 - Lower Leg Strain Calf - -
2011-06-15 2011-06-16 DTD 1 1 Foot Soreness Heel -
2011-05-02 2011-05-03 DTD 1 1 Left Thigh Tightness Quadriceps -
2011-04-27 2011-05-01 DTD 4 3 Left Thigh Tightness Quadriceps -
2011-04-25 2011-04-25 DTD 0 0 General Medical Illness -
2011-04-13 2011-04-13 DTD 0 0 Low Back Tightness -
2011-03-19 2011-03-22 Camp 3 0 Left Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2010-09-19 2010-10-04 DTD 15 15 Left Fingers Fracture Little Finger Sliding Into Third Base -
2010-09-07 2010-09-07 DTD 0 0 Knee Soreness -
2010-07-04 2010-07-04 DTD 0 0 Left Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2010-07-01 2010-07-02 DTD 1 1 Soreness -
2010-05-23 2010-06-22 15-DL 30 28 Right Trunk Strain Intercostal -
2010-04-03 2010-05-21 15-DL 48 42 Left Fingers Fracture Little Finger -
2010-03-10 2010-03-22 Camp 12 0 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2009-06-13 2009-10-05 60-DL 114 102 Right Shoulder Surgery Labrum 2009-06-24
2009-06-06 2009-06-09 DTD 3 2 Right Shoulder Soreness -
2009-05-27 2009-06-02 DTD 6 4 Right Shoulder Soreness -
2009-05-21 2009-05-22 DTD 1 1 Right Shoulder Soreness -
2008-09-24 2008-09-28 DTD 4 3 Left Inflammation Big Toe -
2008-08-28 2008-08-31 DTD 3 3 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2008-07-09 2008-07-12 DTD 3 2 Forearm Soreness -
2008-06-19 2008-06-20 DTD 1 0 Left Hand Soreness -
2008-06-04 2008-06-04 DTD 0 0 Left Thumb Sprain Thumb -
2008-05-14 2008-05-17 DTD 3 1 General Medical Gastrointestinal GI -
2008-05-01 2008-05-01 DTD 0 0 Knee Soreness -
2008-04-16 2008-04-24 DTD 8 8 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2008-03-06 2008-03-06 On-Alr 0 0 Face Surgery Root Canal 2008-03-06
2008-03-04 2008-03-17 Camp 13 0 Groin Soreness -
2007-09-24 2007-09-29 DTD 5 4 General Medical Illness Virus -
2007-09-18 2007-09-21 DTD 3 2 Back Soreness -
2007-09-14 2007-09-14 DTD 0 0 - Hip Soreness -
2007-08-12 2007-08-14 DTD 2 2 - General Medical Illness Virus -
2007-06-28 2007-07-03 DTD 5 4 Left Thumb Sprain -
2007-06-04 2007-06-04 DTD 0 0 - General Medical Gastrointestinal GI -
2007-05-05 2007-05-05 DTD 0 0 - Neck Spasms -
2007-04-23 2007-04-27 DTD 4 4 Left Abdomen Soreness Oblique -
2007-03-15 2007-03-24 Camp 9 0 Left Shoulder Stiffness -
2006-09-21 2006-10-01 DTD 10 9 Left Fingers Surgery Index Finger Old Fracture 2006-09-26
2006-09-10 2006-09-12 DTD 2 1 Left Fingers Soreness Index Finger -
2006-08-30 2006-08-31 DTD 1 1 Left Shoulder Soreness -
2006-05-16 2006-05-16 On-Alr 0 0 - General Medical Illness Kidney Stones -
2006-04-09 2006-05-28 15-DL 49 42 Left Fingers Fracture Index Finger - Sliding -
2005-08-02 2005-08-02 DTD 0 0 - Knee Contusion -
2005-05-18 2005-06-02 15-DL 15 13 Right Thumb Sprain -


Year Team Salary
2016 OAK $11,000,000
2015 OAK $11,000,000
2014 OAK $7,500,000
2013 OAK $7,000,000
2012 OAK $6,000,000
2011 OAK $5,750,000
2010 OAK $5,000,000
2009 KCA $6,083,333
2008 BOS $5,083,333
2007 BOS $3,833,333
2006 BOS $2,750,000
2005 CLE $364,900
2004 CLE $319,400
13 yrPrevious$71,684,299
13 yrTotal$71,684,299


Service TimeAgentContract Status
13 y 158 dSteve Comte2 years/$22M (2015-16), 2017 option

  • 2 years/$22M (2015-16), plus 2017 option. Signed extension with Oakland 2/7/14. 15:$11M, 16:$11M, 17:$13M vesting option ($0.75M buyout). 2017 option guaranteed with 1) 550 plate appearances in 2016, or 2) 1,100 PAs in 2015-16, or 3) 130 games played in 2016, or 4) 260 games played in 2015-16, including 110 games in 2016. Acquired by Cleveland in trade from Oakland 8/31/16 with $2,673,497 remaining on contract ($1,923,497 in 2016 salary and $0.75M for 2017 buyout). Athletics pay Indians $1,673,497 as part of the deal. Cleveland declined 2017 option 11/16.
  • 2 years/$14M (2012-13), plus 2014 club option. Re-signed by Oakland as a free agent 1/5/12. 12:$6M, 13:$7M, 14:$7.5M club option, $1M buyout. Oakland exercised 2014 option 11/1/13.
  • 1 year/$5.25M (2010). Signed by Oakland as a free agent 12/23/09. 10:$4.75M, 11:$5.75M club option, $0.5M buyout.
  • 3 years/$15.5M (2007-09), plus 2010 club option. Signed extension with Boston 4/06. $1M signing bonus. 07:$3.5M, 08:$4.75M, 09:$5.75M, 10:$8M club option, $0.5M buyout. Acquired by Kansas City in trade from Boston 12/11/08. Kansas City declined 2010 option 11/6/09.
  • 1 year/$2.75M (2006). Acquired by Boston in trade from Cleveland 1/06. Signed by Boston 2/06 (avoided arbitration, $3.05M-$2.35M).
  • 1 year/$0.3649 (2005). Re-signed by Cleveland 3/05.
  • 1 year/$0.3194M (2004). Re-signed by Cleveland 3/04.
  • 1 year (2003). Re-signed by Cleveland 3/03. Optioned to Triple-A 3/03. Recalled 6/03.
  • 1 year (2002). Acquired by Cleveland in trade from St. Louis 8/02. Contract purchased 8/02. Optioned to Triple-A 8/02. Recalled 9/02.
  • Drafted by St. Louis 1999 (7-222).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2019-07-19 12:00:00 (link to chat)Gilberto Jimenez is off to a nice start in low-A. Could he be mid-career Coco Crisp or is there more/less upside here?
(Sox Fan from Let's say Boston)
The weather didn't cooperate when Lowell is in town so I only got a brief look. He's definitely a guy I want to run down before they come back around Labor Day. I get the comp, but the swing is so compact and flat now, I don't know if you even project Crisp's power yet. He lacks physicality generally too, although he certainly has some good weight to add. I did like the swing from both sides and there's some barrel control despite the aggression. Need to see him more in the outfield to get a better feel for the athletic tools, but he's a clear follow for me (Jeffrey Paternostro)
2015-05-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)In my Yahoo league I am building for next year and thereafter. My roster is Russell Martin, Kendrys Morales, Josh Harrison, Brock Holt, Brett Gardner, Dexter Fowler, Gregory Polanco, Coco Crisp, Carlos Ruiz, Travis Snider, Kyle (and Corey) Seager, Jason Heyward, Carlos Correa, Desmond Jennings, Javier Baez, Matt Harvey, Carlos Martinez, Jimmy Nelson, Edinson Volquez, Jonathan Paplebon, Chris Heston, Noah Syndergaard, Lucas Giolito, Julio Urias, Jose Berrios, Matt Cain and Sean Doolittle. 8 keepers allowed. Comments? Suggestions?
(TimLandry from Montreal Quebec Canada)
Keep Matt Harvey eight times. (Christopher Crawford)
2014-12-18 15:00:00 (link to chat)What is the effect of moving a player from center field to left field, the "easier" position? The Oakland A's made Coco Crisp move to left in 2012, and he wasn't happy about it but primarily because he had been promised he would be the everyday center fielder before Cespedes signed. Things might be different now that, watching games, it seems his neck issue has caused him to lose a step or two in the outfield.
(jeremykoo from SF, CA)
Certainly, it depends on the player and their skillset. You can't hide a player in centerfield, but it's possible to do so in left, depending on who the centerfielder is. A neck issue is going to affect a guy no matter where he plays, but a simple deterioration of skills is a different thing altogether. (Craig Goldstein)
2014-10-03 11:00:00 (link to chat)I'm reading a lot of comments that the Cespedes/Lester trade was a bad deal for Oakland. But I still think the Russell/Samardzija trade is the one that will haunt them. Your thoughts?
(Jim from St Paul)
A superficial (but still emotionally compelling) answer is: Lester pitched in a playoff game. There's a decent chance Samardzija never will, either because he's traded this offseason or because the A's don't quite have enough next year, sans a middle infield, a left fielder, a catcher who can be counted on defensively, a center fielder who can play even close to every day, etc. etc. etc. etc.

But more importantly, in the wake of the Cespedes/Lester trade, it became clear that Cespedes wasn't going to be in Oakland in 2015 no matter what. The question was what they could get back for him in the offseason vs. midyear 2014, and while the classic trade would have been to get prospects back for him, it's hardly unforgivable to instead take a two-month maybe-ace and add him to what was looking at the time like a real shot at a World Series trophy.

I'd hope it goes unsaid that all the bunk about how the Cespedes trade killed the A's offense is bunk. John Jaso's concussion and Brandon Moss' hip and Coco Crisp's neck and Stephen Vogt's foot, along with that unfortunate few weeks where both Jed Lowrie and Nick Punto were hurt at the same time all have a lot more to do with the A's regression in run-scoring than the mystical Cespedes and his magical protection abilities.

That said, if Jeff Samardzija pitches 2015 for the A's and pitches it as well as he did in 2014 for the A's (that 8:1 K:BB ratio is incredible) and Oakland gets back to the playoffs again despite looking for all the world like 2014 was the last gasp, then even that trade won't look quite so bad. (Jason Wojciechowski)
2014-10-03 11:00:00 (link to chat)Where do you think the A's go from here? Give it 1 more shot, or look to quasi re-build by getting rid of Jeff Samardzija, Josh Donaldson, etc?
(Shawnykid23 from CT)
Everybody is bad at predicting what Billy Beane is going to do in a given offseason. We're all horrible at it. I bet even David Forst and Farhan Zaidi have running bets between them about what's going to happen at work that day, and they're even.

So on the one hand, the A's have some serious holes and no obvious ways to fill them because their usual method ("trade all the prospects!" (by "usual," I mean "the last two years" and I'm assuming Beane won't zag just yet, which of course means he will)) is exhausted. On the other hand, the team signed Coco Crisp through at least 2016 (vesting option in '17), and why get the jump on that rather than wait-and-see if you don't intend to take your shots?

So I don't know, but my working assumption is that the A's aren't going to be selling, though I admit some intellectual curiosity regarding how much they could get back for Josh Donaldson, a player with three years of team control left, but no long-term deal signed, a late bloomer (next year is his age-29 season) and so his best years aren't ahead of him, an MVP candidate for two straight years now with a good offense+defense profile. I love rooting for him, so emotionally I don't want him to go anywhere, but if I were a fan of any other team, I'd want to see a trade just for the "what does that prospect package look like?" question. (Jason Wojciechowski)
2014-07-03 19:00:00 (link to chat)20 team dynasty league trade: Coco Crisp + Alfredo Simon + Joaquin Benoit for Desmond + Craig Gentry + Jean Machi, fair trade or obvious winner?
(Jon from Detroit)
Depends a lot on the situations. In a vacuum I like the Desmond-Gentry-Machi side more, but it very much depends on need in my opinion. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-04-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Should the Astros fire Porter?
(Bill from Wichita)
Nah. Porter is not the first manager to yell at an opponent, nor the first to get involved in a beanball war. He won't be the last, either.

In 2008 Joe Maddon got into a yelling match with Coco Crisp. The argument started because Crisp slid too hard into second base, which he did in response to Jason Bartlett blocking the bag with his leg. (Bartlett was and remains the master of that move.) Sure enough, James Shields hit two Red Sox in the first inning of the next game, including Crisp, who then charged the mound. So even the calmest, smartest of managers can get into hairy situations.

I wouldn't have fired Maddon then and I wouldn't fire Porter now. (That's not to say I support plunking or headhunting or anything like that; I can understand if you want managers held accountable for this stuff.)

Anyway, Think about it from Porter's POV. He's had to watch his team get stomped for the past year-plus, and he doesn't have someone like Shields, who won't let his team get disrespected without retribution. We can debate whether that stuff matters, but neither of us are part of the culture. Those who are seem to think it matters, and probably will until someone gets hurt/plunkings get banned. (R.J. Anderson)
2014-02-26 19:00:00 (link to chat)Power & speed combination: who are your top five AL picks this season?
(John from CT)
Mike Trout
Jason Kipnis
Alex Rios
Coco Crisp
Shanf Victorian (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-01-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Trying to temper expectations with Cubs prospects - is Almora likely looking at a Coco Crisp-like outcome? Some power, some steals, very good CF defense, OBP heavily dependent on BA. (Disclaimer: I am a Cubs fan - don't hold it against me!)
(Dan from Idaho)
I think Almora ends up considerably better than Coco Crisp, and I say that with a full appreciation for the player Crisp has become. Almora is very talented and has a great feel for the game. (Mark Anderson)
2013-10-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Michael Choice can crack the opening day roster for the A's? If so, what kind of season could you see him having? Thanks Matt!
(Mike from The Couch)
I think he could. It depends on whether or not there's an open spot in the outfield. How long is Josh Reddick out? Do the A's pick up Coco Crisp's option? Do they trade Cespedes and if so do they get an outfielder in return? (Matthew Kory)
2013-10-11 14:00:00 (link to chat)If you were Oakland, who stays and goes for 2014? Some choices are obvious -- Chris Young and Kurt Suzuki are gone. Grant Balfour and Bartolo Colon are probably not affordable. Brett Anderson, Seth Smith, and Josh Reddick are all non-tender candidates, though Smith and Reddick could be back because it doesn't look like Michael Choice is ready. How do they fix the middle of the infield? Jed Lowrie isn't going to put up this type of offense to make up for that poor of a glove and Eric Sogard and Albert Callaspo -- just, no. The Coliseum hides the total mediocre state of the A's rotation.
(Dave from Chicago)
Great question. Agree on Young and Suzuki. Balfour will probably price himself out of Oakland, a team that has no problem with a revolving door of closers. I think that Reddick sticks around, unless his homer counts exorbitantly drive up the price in his first year of arbitration. It will be interesting to see what Colon wants contractually, and the A's could easily bow out if he wants a multi-year deal. There is no way that the A's pay $8 million for Anderson next year, so his option will be declined, but it will be interesting to see if he re-signs on a one-year deal to re-establish his value. Coco Crisp will probably be taken up on his $7.5 million option, given his somewhat unique blend of speed and power in CF (as well as his clubhouse appeal). The A's like the power that Lowrie offers in the middle of the diamond, and their backup options are less than inspiring (Nakajima has turned out to be a waste of $6.5 million).

The A's pitching succeeds in many ways that are tough to see. Yes, the Coliseum and its immense foul territory certainly help, but the A's have an excellent system in place for pitcher development. They emphasize balance, posture, and pitch repetition - and they eschew the slide step! So they earn the benefit of the doubt when it comes to developing pitchers from within and identifying which arms to bring into the system.

On the jukebox: Aerosmith, "Ragdoll" (Doug Thorburn)
2013-04-25 12:30:00 (link to chat)Better fringe MVP candidate: Coco Crisp or... Shin-soo Choo? Jonathan Lucroy? Chris Davis?
(justarobert from Santa Clara, CA)
If Lucroy keeps getting as many borderline calls as he has thus far this season, he might be an actual MVP candidate. He's pretty much lapping the field right now. Of course, we're a ways away from a player getting award consideration because of his framing, so Choo makes a more likely choice. (Ben Lindbergh)
2013-03-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)Has Chris Young done anything positive in A's camp this year? Do you see him being a contributor to that team?
(Steve from IL)
He hasn't done much in the Cactus League at .231/.310/.385, but I don't really care about that. He's a really weird fit on the A's, who have Coco Crisp and perhaps Yoenis Cespedes who can play center field. So he's probably not worth as much to them as he might be elsewhere.

I wouldn't be stunned to see a trade from that outfield sometime this season if they develop a need in the rotation or elsewhere. (Zachary Levine)
2012-10-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)The A's outfield has fewer future openings than I expected, but will Michael Choice force his way into the discussion despite the injury setback?
(myshkin from Santa Clara)
Yes, Coco Crisp's contract expires after next year (though the A's do hold a team option) and I would expect to see Cespedes shift to center field and Choice slide into left when the latter is ready for the big leagues. (Bradley Ankrom)
2012-08-30 13:30:00 (link to chat)How many bases has Coco Crisp's arm cost the A's? At least a dozen, I'd say. Is his range worth carrying the arm?
(alanbw from COMO)
BP has an app for that! I asked Colin Wyers to look into this for me, and he tells me that Crisp's arm has cost the A's about two runs (roughly three quarters of that from left field). So, maybe more like eight bases. We have Crisp's FRAA, overall, at 2.9. So, our system thinks Coco has been a net positive on defense despite the arm, and that more or less seems to have been the case throughout his career. A weak arm can be frustrating--I spent a lot of time watching Bernie Williams and Johnny Damon during my formative years, so I understand this well--but I think the effects are often overblown. (Ben Lindbergh)
2012-07-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Just wondering: 1> Which CC would you rather have for the rest of this year? Coco Crisp or Carl Crawford and 2> Could Jared Burton be the Twins closer next year? Thanks!
(Finley from Ontario)
If you're talking fantasy, probably Carl - although I wouldn't expect much beyond steals out of either of them. In real life, depends on how Crawford looks in the field I guess. At cost, definitely Coco though.

I suppose Burton could be the closer next year. He's having a pretty good season, but he looks to be a pretty normal reliever in general. I don't follow the Twins enough to know who their other options are. (Dan Turkenkopf)
2012-03-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)In mocks, I am seeing a ton of steals still on the board in the later rounds. What is your 2012 philosophy on steals?
(chiefsalsa from Utah)
You're right that there are a lot of late steals in mixed leagues this year. I like Ben Revere a lot for steals. Jose Altuve may be a decent MI speed source. Bonifacio can play everywhere. Even Coco Crisp is like a 15th rounder. Waiting on speed in a mixed league isn't a bad play this year. (Derek Carty)
2010-11-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)If the A's go into next season with the team as currently configured and the Rangers fail to sign Cliff Lee, are the A's legitimate contenders for the AL West?
(Dave from Chicago)
I like the pitching but where the hell is the offense supposed to come from on that team? They had three guys with TAvs above .275 last year, Jack Cust, Coco Crisp, and Daric Barton, and the first two are gone now. Yes, they'll have Chris Carter, but that's not enough.

Billy Beane's inability to build an offense in Oakland over the past several years is downright depressing. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-08-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)Going forward in a standard league w/ OBP, SLG and OPS - Jay Bruce, Dexter Fowler, Coco Crisp or JD Drew?
(Jeff from South Jersey)
I like Fowler the least of all of those guys right now. Drew is the safe pick, Bruce the upside pick, and Crisp is hitting as well as he ever did before he busted his finger open in his first year with Boston (and has 22 steals!) to boot. So it depends on what you prefer/need more of--safety, upside, or if you want to get some steals out of it while you're at it. (Marc Normandin)
2010-03-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Christina, I look at Oakland's line-up without anyone I'd like on my fantasy team and can't understand how Pecota has them playing 500 ball. What are your thoughts on the A's?
(lennyd from Portland)
Either you don't have a lot of teams in your league, or you're very picky, or maybe you have no use for steals; while I'm not wild about an outfield with Coco Crisp and Rajai Davis in it as everyday players, they will snag bags. For pitching, whether you're in a keeper league or not, just go grab Brett Anderson. Like steals, saves are a commodity you should want, and Andrew Bailey's the real deal. Position-related supply/demand issues might encourage you to snag Kurt Suzuki or Mark Ellis. Basically, it's going to be a better real-world ballclub than a generator of traditional category fantasy stars. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-12-15 14:00:00 (link to chat)Alex Rios and now Juan Pierre? Who's advising the White Sox, Neel Kashkari?
(matuszek from Baltimore)
Chuck Tanner? Steve Boros? It's kooky, but then we're in a situation where we're debating the merits of Juan Pierre at $5 million plus versus a non-answer like Podzilla for under $2 million. Picking the former's the better answer if you start with the assumption neither's an offensive asset, since Podsednik's not a CF any more, but for that much? Why not check out Coco Crisp or Endy Chavez? (Christina Kahrl)
2009-06-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)if you can project posey on the 2012 team, why not project bumgarner and alderson in the rotation. they might arrive before posey?
(BB from palo alto)
I'm a little more squeamish about making assumptions about the progression and health of pitchers in three years than I am about position players, for the simple reason that the position player is somewhat less likely to have a carer-altering shoulder or elbow surgery (don't tell Coco Crisp I said this). That said, even if we assume they'll be there and be good, there's still the matter of the rest of the lineup to figure out. The pitching staff could be good, the offense questionable, which is exactly the problem they have now. (Steven Goldman)
2009-05-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)Coco Crisp's ability to draw walks - sample size mirage, or a true gain that makes him a respectable leadoff hitter?
(BL from Bozeman)
He's flirted with this on occasion. I'm honestly not sure if it's real this time. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-03-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'm kind of upset that Boston traded Coco Crisp. It seems like we don't have a suitable back-up for center field now. Am I worrying over nothing, or is this a legitimate lack on an otherwise deep team?
(Rob from Brighton)
You have a suitable backup for center field. However, he's starting. Ellsbury has to hit .310 to be viable, and he won't do that most years. Baldelli is the guy they want to be the fourth outfielder, which is an upside play in that role. If Baldelli can play 3-4 times a week, the Sox are fine. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-12-23 14:00:00 (link to chat)It appears to me that Dayton Moore in essence swapped Leo Nunez, RamRam, and any semblance of financial flexibility for Coco Crisp, Mike Jacobs and Kyle Farnsworth? Doesn't this series of moves seem, um, counter-productive? Do you see a worthwhile plan here?
(BL from Bozeman)
You left out spending $1.8 million on Horacio Ramirez (IIRC). I like the Crisp move as a win-now kind of transaction, but I savaged the Jacobs move for cause--some might think he's a win-now pickup, but he's just a placeholder, and Farnsworth and Ramirez are even less. This isn't progress, it's cosmetics, and like anything hastily slapped together, it'll melt in the summer sun. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-11-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Rangers get Jav Vasquez & Manny del Carmen, Red Sox get Teagarden & Kiker, White Sox get Coco Crisp & Kris Johnson; who says no?
(niketour2 from oregon)
Rangers ... and I guess now the Royals. (Will Carroll)
2008-08-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)Pretty ironic that Kelly Shoppach is the best player in the Coco Crisp/Andy Marte trade, eh? Keeper question: choose two from the list of Beltran, Berkman, Hart, Guerrero, Sabathia, Billingsley.
(Peter from Beyond the Boxscore)
Shoppach sure would look good in a Red Sox uni, and hell, he can even catch a knuckler. (Marc Normandin)
2008-03-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thank you for the chat. Congrats on the publication of BP2008, your best work ever. The NY papers say the Mets turned down Coco Crisp for Angel Pagan. That doesn't sound like it really happened, but if it did, is Omar Minaya insane?
(fielding99 from NYC)
I strongly, strongly doubt the validity of that particular rumor. Crisp isn't Tris Speaker or anything, but he's more than a fourth-fifth outfielder. He can be a regular and be a positive for someone. Pagan isn't at that level. If you can make that deal, especially given how fragile the Mets are, you practically climb through the phone to sign the papers. I strongly doubt that Minaya had that chance.

...Unless he knows something about Coco we don't. Maybe Coco is going around hotels in a bathrobe saying, "Okay, anyone who doesn't want to ____, get out!" (Steven Goldman)
2008-03-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)How much of an upgrade would Brian Roberts be for the Cubs over DeRosa at 2B. Obviously, he'll give you more steals, but their other numbers from 2007 look quite similar. Along the same lines, it appears the Cubs aren't sold on Felix Pie being their starting center fielder, as they seem to be putting out feelers on players like Coco Crisp. Should they be looking for a center fielder?
(sinfonian11 from Champaign, IL)
I was boarding a plane the other day when I heard, of all things, a Cub fan belittling Felix Pie's offense. Which means absolutely nothing, of course, since Freddy the Frequent Flier from Elgin is not responsible for setting the team's lineup. But it does go to show you how these sorts of memes tend to flow from the team brass on through the media and into the perceptions of ordinary fans. Pie got all of 194 plate appearances in the major leagues last year, and much of that time came in crappy situations where he was being shuffled into and out of the lineup and had to press for at-bats. He's hit like gangbusters on the other hand over nearly 900 plate appearances at Iowa the past two seasons. It would be a shame if the Cubs' misunderstanding of small sample sizes got in the way of Pie's development. (Nate Silver)
2008-02-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)What do you see the Red Sox doing with their Crisp/Ellsbury conundrum? Is Crisp still on the team when they return from Japan? Besides Tex and Minn, other possible trade destinations?
(DC from Tim)
I really think Crisp will have been dealt before they go; I wonder if Homeland Security will raise a stink if the reserved seat is in somebody else's name for the guy who gets to go in Crisp's place. "You don't look like Coco Crisp," might elicit the start of a Snake Plisken-like "I get that a lot." (Christina Kahrl)
2008-02-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Melky Cabrera's got a pretty interesting set of comparables: Carlos Beltran, Coco Crisp, Pete Rose, and Hal McRae. Some good-looking players but (besides Beltran) nobody with too much power. What's the outlook on him? Is he the Yankee CFer of the future?
(Jim Leyritz from Florida)
It's confusing, isn't it? This is what I meant about the occasional inscrutability of the comps. If I recall correctly, at Cabrera's age, Beltran had the one bad year of his career... If Coco Crisp is your worst-case scenario, that's not bad, but the Yankees don't have a Jacoby Ellsbury to come along and rescue them... My suspicion is that Crisp is closer to the mark than Beltran or even McRae. The power just isn't there right now, might not ever be there. That leaves us with what... A player who might peak at something pretty decent without rising to the level of the All-Star game. That's not bad, you enjoy it... And then you trade Roberto Kelly for Paul O'Neill. (Steven Goldman)
2008-01-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)How much of a chance does Coco Crisp have of getting back to 2005 form at this point?
(poludamas from Cambridge)
This is getting a bit semantic, but I wonder whether Crisp was really a better player in 2005 than he is today or he just had a career year. With that said, we do show him with a mild breakout, at .278/.338/.407. Given his defense in center field, there are at least 20 teams in major league baseball that would be vastly improved by that performance. (Nate Silver)
2008-01-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Am I dreaming or does Coco Crisp for Taylor Teagarden or Max Ramirez fit into a reasonable proposal?
(Joe from Tewksbury, MA)
It's certainly the sort of thing worthy of a few daydreams in Red Sox Nation, because Tek isn't getting any younger. However, there are questions about both when it comes to whether or not they'll be able to remain behind the plate. (Christina Kahrl)

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