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May 31, 2017

DFA Podcast

Ep. 10: West Coast Bias

by Bryan Grosnick, R.J. Anderson and Shawn Brody

It's Baseball Prospectus's newest podcast: DFA! Host Bryan Grosnick (Baseball Prospectus), co-host R.J. Anderson (CBS Sports), and producer Shawn Brody (Beyond the Box Score, BP Mets) are talking about all the transactions and roster moves that make MLB go. From trades and signings to callups and disabled list stints, DFA is here to provide analysis and commentary on all things baseball.

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On the 10th episode of DFA, Bryan and R.J. mourn the coming two months of Mike Trout-less baseball, and review the wreckage of the Angels' roster in the wake of his thumb injury. If it is time to make a move, should the Angels sell the lot, or just a pitcher or two? Then, on the other side of L.A., Brandon Morrow returns to the big leagues, and the guys review other players that they forgot were in the league. Then, of course, it's the usual review of minor moves and transactions, featuring David Price, Luis Robert, Randal Grichuk, Jose De Leon, and ... of course ... Ryan Raburn!

We're on iTunes! Please rate and review us, so others can find and listen to the show ... and we're also on Stitcher! Thank you for listening!

An article based on the show!:

Happy Memorial Day!:

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(Hosted by BlogTalkRadio. Intro and outro music is 'My Ways' by Inspection 12. Find more from the band on Facebook.)

Bryan Grosnick is an author of Baseball Prospectus. 
Click here to see Bryan's other articles. You can contact Bryan by clicking here
R.J. Anderson is an author of Baseball Prospectus. 
Click here to see R.J.'s other articles. You can contact R.J. by clicking here
Shawn Brody is an author of Baseball Prospectus. 
Click here to see Shawn's other articles. You can contact Shawn by clicking here

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