March 2, 1999
Rotisserie Turns
Fire Up that Laptop!
by Keith Law

Last week, I delineated some of the reasons you might consider shunning the
use of a valuation system in your rotisserie/fantasy leagues this spring.
This week, I'll look at the other side of the coin: why those systems are
still very popular.
Reason 1: They put method in your madness.
Regardless of how you forecast player statistics, you have to convert those
statistics - even if they're just thoughts in your head - into dollar
values. You need to calculate what those statistics are likely going to be
worth over the course of a season, so that you know what you're willing to
bid on each player. A well-constructed valuation system can do exactly that.
While the dollar values in your spreadsheet will only be as good as the
forecast data behind them, the same can be said of more arbitrary valuation
systems, and at least the spreadsheet takes care of the heavy lifting for
Reason 2: They allow sensitivity analyses.
Sensitivity analyses are important for two reasons. First, you may be
unsure of the accuracy of some of your forecasted player stats. Say that
you're not sure whether Carlos Febles will steal 20 or 40 bases this year.
His value will change drastically between the two scenarios, as will the
values of other basestealers in the AL. By altering his value in the
spreadsheet and recalculating all the dollar values, you'll quickly and
easily take changes into account. Doing so by hand would be tedious, and
not necessarily worth the effort.
The second benefit is that you can quickly account for players who are
traded out of the league or who suffer major injuries before Draft Day.
Those who drafted in April last year had to revisit many of their values
after Dave Burba was traded out of the NL. Again, recalculating values is a
breeze if you have an automated system.
Reason 3: Self-discipline.
Last week, I discussed the merits of real-time valuations: changing bid
values during the course of an auction. For some fantasy players, that can
spell disaster, because panic or complacency can swing values too far in
one direction or another. The apparent rigidity of values from a
computer-based valuation system can prevent those players from straying too
far from their original plan of action.
Obviously, there's no absolutely right or absolutely wrong answer.
Valuation systems are right for some people, but not for everyone. The most
important task in deciding whether or not to use or develop a valuation
system is to evaluate your own tendencies, and decide which of the reasons
presented last week and this week matter most to you. For the record, I
don't use valuation systems myself, mostly because I second-guess them to
the point of rendering them useless.
Keith Law is the Baseball Prospectus fantasy editor. Feel free to drop
him a line at