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March 18, 2014

Baseball Prospectus News

MLB.TV Discount Available to BP Premium Subscribers

by Rob McQuown and Ben Lindbergh

If you've ever tried to settle an argument by citing a statistic developed in the last decade, you may have found yourself on the receiving end of a common refrain: "Get your head out of that spreadsheet and try watching a game." Of course, there's never been any truth to the idea that people who like to study baseball stats do so instead of seeing games. If and when we have our heads stuck in spreadsheets, it's because we watch a lot of games and enjoy them so much that we want to better understand what we're seeing. And for people who watch a lot of baseball, the ability to stream games online through MLB.TV since the 2002 season has made life a lot better.

Which brings us to today's good news. All current and new yearly Baseball Prospectus Premium and Super Premium subscribers are in for a special bonus: a one-time coupon good for a 20 percent discount on a 2014 MLB.TV Premium Yearly Subscription.

We'll get to how much money off that means in a moment. If you've never used MLB.TV, here's what you need to know first. MLB.TV allows you to watch every 2014 Regular Season out-of-market game (and many 2014 spring training games) live or on-demand in HD Quality, choosing between home and away TV and radio broadcast feeds (or a commentary-free "Park" feed). The product lets you watch up to four games at once, and its DVR functionality lets you pause or rewind live games. You can access MLB.TV not only through your computer, but through your Xbox, PlayStation, Apple TV, Roku, and many other connected devices. You can also watch games on the go through MLB.TV's included At Bat app on Apple, Android, and other mobile platforms.

Here's why we're excited about this discount: Not only are we big fans of MLB.TV, we're big fans of people subscribing to Baseball Prospectus. And for the kind of people who subscribe to our site—namely, the kind who watch a lot of baseball—a 20 percent discount on MLB.TV makes BP an even better deal.

Let's be Baseball Prospectus-y for a second and do a little math. A one-year subscription to MLB.TV premium costs $129.99. Taking 20 percent off of that total saves you $26. A one-year Premium subscription to BP costs $39.95, so if you purchase both MLB.TV Premium and Baseball Prospectus Premium and apply the 20 percent MLB.TV discount, you'll be getting BP Premium for an additional $13.95—just over a dollar a month. If you're interested in MLB.TV Premium and a BP Super Premium subscription, you can get the latter at a net cost of only $28.99 after applying the MLB.TV discount, close to 50 percent off.

Here's how to proceed. If you don't have a Baseball Prospectus Premium or Super Premium subscription, sign up for one here. (If you've already subscribed to BP, this discount offer is an additional perk that makes your decision look smarter.) If you already have an MLB.com account, click this link and sign in on the next page. If you don't have an MLB.com account, you'll need to register before continuing with the purchase.

To get the discount, you'll need a one-time coupon code. This can be found on the "manage your profile" page, which can be accessed by BP subscribers from the blue login bar that appears on most pages on the Baseball Prospectus site:

From there, you'll see the following near the top of the "manage your profile" page if you are a Premium or Super Premium subscriber:

To get your 20 percent discount, you'll need to enter the coupon code from the Baseball Prospectus "manage your profile" page (where 9999999999 appears in the example above) into the MLB.tv subscription form. Then, just complete your purchase, sit back, and watch baseball.

Those links, one more time:

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Subscribe to MLB.tv

One coupon code per Premium (or Super Premium) Baseball Prospectus subscription. If you've already purchased , the 20 percent discount cannot be applied retroactively. For any questions about your MLB.TV subscription, please contact MLB.TV Customer Service, and for any questions about the 20 percent discount for Baseball Prospectus subscribers, please contact BP Customer Service.

Rob McQuown is an author of Baseball Prospectus. 
Click here to see Rob's other articles. You can contact Rob by clicking here
Ben Lindbergh is an author of Baseball Prospectus. 
Click here to see Ben's other articles. You can contact Ben by clicking here

Related Content:  MLB,  Mlb.tv,  Premium,  Subscription

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