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March 12, 2013
BP Daily Podcast
Every 2013 Team Preview Podcast in One Place
by Ben Lindbergh, Sam Miller and Pete Barrett
The Effectively Wild 2013 podcast team preview series is complete. We enjoyed putting the podcasts together; more of you are listening now than were when we started, so we'll assume the series was a success. We've already moved on to new topics, but we wanted to put all the previews in one place so you could access them more easily if you haven't listened yet, or find them again in the future when you feel like reliving our least accurate predictions. All of the episodes, guests, and running times are listed below.
AL East
New York Yankees [Link] (31:59; With Wallace Matthews)
Baltimore Orioles [Link] (24:56; With Derek Carty and Brittany Ghiroli)
Tampa Bay Rays [Link] (44:35; With Adam Sobsey and Roger Mooney)
Toronto Blue Jays [Link] (30:22; With Matthew Kory and Brendan Kennedy)
Boston Red Sox [Link] (33:28; With Matthew Kory and Chad Finn)
AL Central
Detroit Tigers [Link] (29:36; With Paul Sporer and Jason Beck)
Chicago White Sox [Link] (24:46; With Ken Funck and Mark Gonzales)
Kansas City Royals [Link] (37:02; With Craig Brown and Sam Mellinger)
Cleveland Indians [Link] (31:49; With Matthew Kory, Paul Sporer, and Jordan Bastian)
Minnesota Twins [Link] (29:38; With Michael Bates, Bill Parker, and Phil Miller)
AL West
Oakland Athletics [Link] (28:44; With Doug Thorburn and John Hickey)
Texas Rangers [Link] (31:49; With Jason Cole and Richard Durrett)
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim [Link] (31:15; With Jeff Fletcher)
Seattle Mariners [Link] (30:06; With Geoff Baker)
Houston Astros [Link] (30:27; With Jason Collette and Richard Justice)
NL East
Washington Nationals [Link] (29:38; With Paul Sporer, Daniel Rathman, and Adam Kilgore)
Atlanta Braves [Link] (28:09; With Zachary Levine and Mark Bradley)
Philadelphia Phillies [Link] (31:53; With Paul Sporer and Jim Salisbury)
New York Mets [Link] (35:31; With Jason Wojciechowski and David Lennon)
Miami Marlins [Link] (31:39; With Daniel Rathman and Juan C. Rodriguez)
NL Central
Cincinnati Reds [Link] (26:51; With Jay Jaffe, Geoff Young, and Zach Wells)
St. Louis Cardinals [Link] (27:33; With Ken Funck and Joe Strauss)
Milwaukee Brewers [Link] (27:53; With Ken Funck and Mike Bauman)
Pittsburgh Pirates [Link] (28:01; With R.J. Anderson and Rob Biertempfel)
Chicago Cubs [Link] (32:54; With Colin Wyers and Patrick Mooney)
NL West
San Francisco Giants [Link] (32:11; With Ian Miller, Josh Shepardson, and Alex Pavlovic)
Los Angeles Dodgers [Link] (22:08; With Jay Jaffe and Ken Gurnick)
Arizona Diamondbacks [Link] (29:22; With Doug Thorburn and Nick Piecoro)
San Diego Padres [Link] (28:01; With Geoff Young and Tom Krasovic)
Colorado Rockies [Link] (29:34; With Geoff Young and Thomas Harding)
Thanks to Jonah Birenbaum for formatting this post.
Ben Lindbergh is an author of Baseball Prospectus.
Click here to see Ben's other articles.
You can contact Ben by clicking here
Sam Miller is an author of Baseball Prospectus.
Click here to see Sam's other articles.
You can contact Sam by clicking here
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Very nice work. Think I'll attempt to be a double .9er with these previews.