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April 25, 2012

BP Unfiltered

The Incredible Underused Sergio Romo

by Sam Miller

Since 2011, the left-handed pitchers who have faced the highest percentage of left-handed batters: 

  1. Will Ohman: .650 career OPS against lefties
  2. Matt Reynolds: .471
  3. Rafael Perez: .676 
  4. Mike Gonzalez: .616
  5. Javier Lopez: .630
Since 2011, the right-handed pitchers who have faced the lowest percentage of left-handed batters:
  1. Ramon Ramirez: .737 career OPS against lefties
  2. Sergio Romo: .555
  3. Brad Ziegler: .891
  4. Guillermo Mota: .728
  5. Joe Smith: .774
Sergio Romo could make $5 million per year as a lefty specialist. Sergio Romo could make $5 million per year as a righty specialist. It's almost like Sergio Romo should just be allowed to pitch to everybody

Sam Miller is an author of Baseball Prospectus. 
Click here to see Sam's other articles. You can contact Sam by clicking here

Related Content:  Bruce Bochy,  Sergio Romo

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