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April 25, 2012
BP Unfiltered
The Incredible Underused Sergio Romo
by Sam Miller
Since 2011, the left-handed pitchers who have faced the highest percentage of left-handed batters:
Will Ohman: .650 career OPS against lefties
Matt Reynolds: .471
Rafael Perez: .676
Mike Gonzalez: .616
Javier Lopez: .630
Since 2011, the right-handed pitchers who have faced the lowest percentage of left-handed batters:
Ramon Ramirez: .737 career OPS against lefties
Sergio Romo: .555
Brad Ziegler: .891
Guillermo Mota: .728
Joe Smith: .774
Sergio Romo could make $5 million per year as a lefty specialist. Sergio Romo could make $5 million per year as a righty specialist. It's almost like Sergio Romo should
just be allowed to pitch to everybody.
Sam Miller is an author of Baseball Prospectus.
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Collateral Damage Dail... (04/25)
Love Sergio (seriously, look at last year's numbers), but the Giants are very careful with him because of his elbow - there's been a great bit of scuttlebut about him pitching on back to back days or generally being handled with kid gloves.
He's easily the best reliever on the team, but there's a reason they are careful with him.