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June 24, 2002

The Week in Quotes

June 17-23, 2002

by Derek Zumsteg


"[Dibble] was unprofessional and uninformed. He said there was no retaliation after Mike got hit. This is the reason people switch off ESPN, because you have people with no knowledge of the game or the English language presenting the game we love."
--Bobby Valentine, Mets manager, on ESPN commentator Rob Dibble questioning pitcher Shawn Estes's toughness after Estes did not hit Yankee pitcher Roger Clemens

"[Dibble] threw bats in the stands, threw balls in the stands, fought with his manager. When he hit people it was because they hit a home run off him, not protection for his teammates."
--Valentine, on Dibble calling Estes a clown

"I just wasn't impressed (with Dibble's remarks). He's entitled to his opinions, but I think he was just trying to say something controversial and self-promoting. But if you're going to respond to him you might as well sit by talk radio and analyze every call. That's what I'd equate him with."
--Mike Piazza, Mets catcher

"You know what's amazing? Through all of this, Trevor [Hoffman] has never been on the DL. That's incredible."
--Bruce Bochy, Padres manager

"Why did I say that? Is that stupid?"


"At the beginning, he was throwing around those six-, seven- and eight-letter Stanford words that nobody understands and talking about the scientific laws of gravity and stuff like that."
--Ken Griffey Jr., Reds outfielder, on manager Bob Boone's speech during a team meeting

"It's like Yogi [Berra] used to say. I can't remember what Yogi said."
--Bobby Cox, Braves manager


"If I didn't, I wouldn't keep playing him. I hear people saying, 'Dusty's so loyal, Shawon's your boy.' I hear all that s---. But he can do it. If I didn't think so, I wouldn't keep running him out there."
--Dusty Baker, Giants manager, on continuing to play outfielder Shawon Dunston

"I'll get my average up. What am I, a .270 hitter? That's what I'm going to hit. I don't make any excuses. If they're getting me out, they're getting me out."


"It's not often that Jason [Giambi] makes an out on the first or second pitch of an at-bat. If a guy swings at the first pitch and then makes an out, that makes the hitters behind him less aggressive early in the count, because nobody wants a three- or four-pitch inning for the opposing pitcher. Jason allows the guys behind him to be aggressive early in the count, if they get a pitch they want."
--Rick Down, Yankees hitting coach

"I've always said when Andruw [Jones] walks 100 times, he's going to have it. He's on pace for that. He's always been streaky, but when he goes through a stretch where he's patient and streaky, he puts up eye-popping numbers."
--Chipper Jones, Braves outfielder, on teammate Andruw Jones


"The doctors tell us that with 15 days, there isn't going to be a drastic improvement. He needs 6-to-8 weeks, so you deal with it. I don't think anybody is 100 percent over a 162-game schedule. ... Maybe it's a good learning experience for him and will make him a better player."
--Lloyd McClendon, Pirates manager, on why injured third baseman Aramis Ramirez is playing and not on the DL

"You want him to throw 140? He wanted to go out there. He wasn't really aware how much he had worked. He just knew he was feeling good. But he was facing 3, 4, 5 [hitters]. You think he's going to work through those guys? No. Absolutely not.
--Tony La Russa, Cardinals manager, after pulling Matt Morris with 119 pitches thrown after eight innings


"Maybe it's like the Broward County election. Maybe the space to punch my name is lined up wrong and the votes that are going to me should be going to Barry [Bonds] or Sammy Sosa."
--Armando Rios, Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder, on being sixth in NL All-Star outfield balloting

"He's strong and tough, and he's got a little larceny in his soul,"
--Joe Torre, Yankee manager, on infielder Alfonso Soriano

"You had Fernandomania. How about Olliemania?"
--Alan Embree, Red Sox pitcher, on former rookie teammate Oliver Perez

"There is no question but that the positive shelf life of a new stadium has shrunk considerably. The new parks in themselves can't be a long-term or mid-term panacea for the problems."
--Bud Selig, owners' representative

"You can do all the marketing and promoting in the world and you still have to win and win consistently."

If you would like to submit a quote, please email Derek and be sure to include both the quote itself and a URL pointing to the quote.

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