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July 2, 2011

BP Unfiltered

The Paper Trail 7/2

by John Perrotto

Interesting stories from newspapers across the nation:

  • David Haugh of the Chicago Tribune writes that Juan Pierre is under fire but he's underrated.
  • Gordon Wittenmyer of the Chicago Sun-Times writes that Aramis Ramirez and Jeff Baker try to ignore trade rumors.
  • La Velle E. Neal III of the Minneapolis Star Tribune writes that the Twins wait out a long rain delay and top the Brewers to win their third in a row.
  • Mike DiGiovanna of the Los Angeles Times writes that Hiroki Kuroda shuts down the Angels.
  • Matt Stevens of the Los Angeles Times writes that Dee Gordon's chances of staying with the Dodgers are looking pretty slim.
  • Steve Kroner of the San Francisco Chronicle writes that Rich Harden makes a victorious return to the Athletics.
  • Mason Kelley of the Seattle Times writes that the Mariners' offense busts loose in a win over the Padres.
  • John Harper of the New York Daily News writes that Ivan Nova is a young and improving pitcher but could get bumped for the rotation for Phil Hughes.

John Perrotto is an author of Baseball Prospectus. 
Click here to see John's other articles. You can contact John by clicking here

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2011-07-05 - BP Unfiltered: The Paper Trail 7/5
2011-07-04 - BP Unfiltered: The Paper Trail 7/4
2011-07-03 - BP Unfiltered: The Paper Trail 7/3
2011-07-02 - BP Unfiltered: The Paper Trail 7/2
2011-07-01 - BP Unfiltered: The Paper Trail 7/1
2011-06-30 - BP Unfiltered: The Paper Trail 6/30
2011-06-29 - BP Unfiltered: The Paper Trail 6/29