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April 21, 2011

Tater Trot Tracker

Trot Times for April 20

by Larry Granillo

A late Tater Trot Tracker post means a quick Tater Trot Tracker post. Sorry about that, everyone. I'll make up for it in the future.

On to the trots!

Home Run of the Day: Reed Johnson, Chicago Cubs - 20.44 seconds [video]
The Cubs played a doubleheader with the Padres on Wednesday, splitting the pair. The game one victory was memorable, though, with Reed Johnson hitting this walkoff home run in the bottom of the 11th inning to win the game 2-1. Johnson's trot is quick and deliberate, though he needs to learn to remove the helmet before joining the scrum. That's how headaches are made.

Slowest Trot: Vladimir Guerrero, Baltimore Orioles - 25.24 seconds [video]
I often feel like I'm picking on Vlad for including him here practically every time he hits a home run. But what can I do? He is a big, slow man and it's never more apparent than during home run trots. Earlier in the week, I said that any time Vlad trots in at less than 25 seconds it's because he's hurrying. Watching this 25.24 second trot, I may need to amend that to any trot quicker than 26-seconds...

Quickest Trot: Curtis Granderson, New York Yankees - 18.65 seconds [video]
Another player I seem to include on these lists every time he hits a home run, though I don't feel bad for Granderson. I'm always happy to see someone so consistently quick in their trotting. There were four other sub-twenty second trots on Wednesday (though Granderson was the only 18-second trot).

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