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June 1, 1998 The Week in QuotesJune 25-31BLIBB"I know it was a little unorthodox, but I just felt it was the best chance for us to win a baseball game." -- Buck Showalter, Diamondbacks manager "I wanted to get [Barry Bonds] out to end the game, but saner heads prevailed. In the end, it was the right move. It was interesting. We won the game. We got the job done." -- Gregg Olson, Diamondbacks pitcher "It was a gutsy move. I don't know if I'd do it. Each man has to walk in his own shoes." -- Dusty Baker, Giants manager "I thought it was a stupid move. I don't think it was gutsy. Something like that, anything can tie the ball game: a wild pitch, a pass ball, an error. Anything can happen in that situation, but it worked out for them." -- Danny Darwin, Giants pitcher "Buck [Showalter] got lucky. [Gregg] Olson got lucky. I hope they do it again next time and I'll hit another rocket off him." -- Brent Mayne, Giants catcher ON THE BLOCK "It hasn't been easy, but I have a job to do. I can't control anything but going out every fifth day and working hard to help the team win." -- Randy Johnson, Mariners pitcher "In all sincerity, I'd like to be a little more forthcoming with you; I'd like to be very direct. But after yesterday, with all of the rumors and speculation that was out there ... I'm going to have no further comment on this situation. Period." -- Woody Woodward, Mariners GM "It's tough when you are rumored to be traded and you're not pitching as well as you want to. I've been there." -- Andy Benes, Diamondbacks pitcher "The trade speculation has had no effect on me at all. I really haven't thought about it, and I'm not going to think about it." -- Hideo Nomo, Dodgers pitcher "You're asking the wrong guy to comment on Randy Johnson. I heard about it like everyone else. I don't know where these rumors start. It's a good rumor; I can't say it's not." -- Bill Russell, Dodgers manager THE REST "Who wants to hit a home run when you are losing a ballgame by five or six runs? You want to hit a home run when you are going to do some good for your team." -- Greg Vaughn, Padres outfielder "From an early age, I learned that guys who play hard get rewarded. I just go out and play hard. I don't put myself into any categories. I just want to help the team win and play as hard as I can." -- Ken Griffey Jr., Mariners outfielder "If this team stays together, it's going to be a real good team. In a couple of years, watch out." -- Todd Dunwoody, Marlins outfielder "When you lose a Mike Piazza, you lose a career .300 hitter who hits 40 homers a year. But guys like Sheffield can steal a base for you or they can do a lot of things for you." -- Bill Russell, Dodgers manager "Catchers can only do so much. Pitchers still have to get it over the plate." -- Lou Piniella, Mariners manager "When my kids grow up, I want them to be like Mike Matheny." -- Jeff Cirillo, Brewers infielder "You can't go out there and win when you don't have no support, so we stink. We stink." -- Jaime Navarro, White Sox pitcher "Put this in ink -- if [Damion Easley] doesn't go to the All-Star Game, there should be an investigation." -- Todd Jones, Tigers pitcher "Once you start thinking, you're going to get killed." -- Travis Lee, Diamondbacks infielder "We would like to like to add if we could, or subtract if need be, to make us a better club." -- Kevin Malone, Orioles assistant GM "It was great to play on a team that went to the playoffs every year. And I can't complain about getting a World Series ring. But I wanted to establish myself as a player. I appreciated the opportunity and I appreciated [the Yankees] trading me to give me a chance to play." -- Andy Fox, Diamondbacks infielder "You have to have a lot of appreciation for Gregg [Olson] because of where he's been. He's persevered. A lot of people would have just quit trying if they had been in his shoes." -- Tony Gwynn, Padres outfielder "I feel sorry for Tino [Martinez]. He has a family. I have a family. The Yankees, they have nice people there. I don't want to be an enemy." -- Armando Benitez, Orioles pitcher "You talk about our home record, and the reason we're not winning at home, and maybe that's part of the reason right there. We're putting too much pressure on ourselves. I think that's the key. Everybody's trying to do too much." -- Shane Halter, Royals infielder